
XMatik®/EMS manages information on types and technical parameters of locomotives. Collects and evaluates measurement records directly from installed electricity meters and GPS devices. Displays online location and current traffic indicators.

Map base
with railway infrastructure
Consumption planning
according to the schedule
Instructions for effective
driving for train drivers

About product

Display of position and operating status

Online display of the position of locomotives on the map, immediate information on technical data and operating status - location, speed, driver, but also consumption within the entire system, including historical data.

Central data collection

Central data collection from various sources (meters, operating systems, business systems), complex processing and evaluation into documents and reports for all levels of management. Compliance with standard STN EN 50463-2017.

Consumption prediction

Prediction of electricity consumption for the following period based on the train traffic schedule.

Notifications and alarms

Notifications and alarms in case of undesirable conditions related to the operation of the traction system and trains.

Generation of substitute values

Automatic generation of substitute values ​​in case of failure of communication or measuring devices for continuity of evaluation, validation, postprocessing and sending of measured data to third party systems.

Do you want to develop your business?

- Peter Chochol, sales director

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Direct contact
Peter Chochol
sales director
+421 2 50213142
Direct contact
Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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