Deviations billing on electricity market according to the rules effective from January 1st, 2006
SEPS, a.s. took up a challenge - till December 31st, 2005, to
implement a new legislative rules in deviations billing in the
electricity market, which are effective from January 1st, 2006, by
means of XMatik® NT/OFS V9.0 product
This delivery ensures the support, changes and extension of
functionality of continuous used system XMatik®
NT/OFS, which performs the requirements of Statutory order of
Slovak republic, No. 124/2005 of Coll. and ÚRSO resolutions
No. 0008/2006/E:
- daily evaluation of balance of delivery and consumption of electricity (D-1)
- daily evaluation of deviations (D+1) (D+1)
- decadal evaluation of deviations (D10)
- final evaluation of deviations (D+14)
- interface realization for the purpose of publication of public and private data about the deviations on the web sites
- modification of invoice module for decadal billing
- modification of invoice module by way of billing for deviation evaluation, based on ending consumption for subjects with point of supply (ÚRSO Resolution No. 0008/2006/E point 8)
- modification of invoice module by way of billing to traders for deviation evaluation through the annual fix fee (ÚRSO Resolution No. 0008/2006E point 9)
- modification of invoice system in billing of island connection (ÚRSO Resolution No. 0008/2006/E point 3)