IT Systems management for National Motorway Company
The new XMatik®.smart|EAM product has been successfully deployed to record and manage IT facilities of the National Motorway Company, a.s. (NDS) within its headquarters in Bratislava. Analysis, input data processing, configuration and deployment were arranged within six weeks.
NDS facilities that are managed include inter alia network components, output devices, UPS, servers and display devices. IT Systems management also covers processing of the organisational structure of NDS. XMatik®.smart |EAM contains many different options to work with graphic information. In case of NDS company we have ensured the processing of smart plans for floors that are connected to various devices
XMatik®.smart |EAM was launched in late 2018. The product is available using modern desktop applications as well as web portal. The product allows to flexibly add new elements and entire data structures. It is open for expansion to other premises and client’s areas of interest.