OKTE, a.s., is preparing a new regime for deviation billing.
For the organizer of electricity market OKTE, a.s., we are supplying the implementation of new deviation billing regime according to the regulation of URSO number 24/2013 Coll. and operational order of OKTE, a.s. It is about the extension of XMtrade®/ISZO information system, mainly about the new approach to deviation of point of supply and transmission places not equipped with continues measure tools. Also new accounting for differences between nominal and real measured electricity supply values will be added. This regime of deviation billing will be applied starting 1.1.2014. Nevertheless information system XMtrade®/ISZO will have to simultaneously support the current technique for deviation billing to securing the final accounting for the term of the year 2013 according to the rules valid for this term. New information system will be provided in version XMtrade®/ISZO V2.5.3.