
Operational Manual of SEPS, a.s.

We have successfully bid for a tender of ÚRSO (Office for Regulation of Network Industries) and we are a contract supplier of "Proposal for Adjustment of Operational Manual of SEPS, a.s.". The proposal is a result of amendments to the Act Nr. 107/2007 of Coll. and implementation of intraday energy market in Slovakia.
As SEPS, a.s. is one of the key organizations of Slovak electricity market, the "Operation Manual of SEPS, a.s.", is an important document, which regulates relations between operator of transmission system of Slovak Republic and other market subjects, as well as obligatory trading conditions. Subject of delivery includes also preparation of full wording of amendments and changes of legislation according to Legislative Rules of the Government of the Slovak Republic, analysis and justification of recommendation for intraday trading implementation.

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Direct contact
Peter Chochol
sales director
+421 2 50213142
Direct contact
Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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