
Trading Information System in SEPS, a. s.

We are extending XMatik® NT/AFS by another module - XMatik® NT/FE. Our key customer SEPS, a.s., has ordered extending of the system for billing of transmitted electricity and settling of system services by another module: XMatik® NT/FE. The module takes into consideration the conditions set by resolutions of the Office for Regulation of Network Industries (Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví - URSO) No. 0004/2002/03 and No. 0012/2002/03 and is preparation for trading in conditions of the liberalised electricity market.

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Direct contact
Peter Chochol
sales director
+421 2 50213142
Direct contact
Chochol Peter
sales director
+421 2 50213142
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