XMatik®.smart|EAM certified for evidence and classified technical equipment
Technická inšpekcia SR (Slovak technical inspection) performed test and confirmed compliance of XMatik®.smart|EAM with the Decree of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 508/2009. The utilization of XMatik®.smart|EAM with the extended package of classified technical equipment guarantees to meet legal requirements defined in the aforementioned decree.
The Decree of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 508/2009 defines rules to assure safety and health protection of work with lifting, electric and gas technical equipment. Depending on the extent of risk, different kinds of requirements for operation and tests are set. The National Labour Inspectorate supervises whether operators of technical equipment fulfilled requirements defined in the superior law on occupational health and safety (OSH). This institution provides regular inspections of employers and their fulfilment of OSH.
You may find more details about performed test here