Single day-ahead electricity market in Europe has become a reality

The project of interconnection of European day-ahead electricity markets, the so-called Core Flow-based Market Coupling (Core FB MC) was successfully launched at the beginning of June (08.06.2022).
From this date, the operation of the Core FB MC mechanism will ensure the interconnection of the single European day-ahead electricity market, the so-called Single day-ahead Coupling (SDAC), coordinated calculation of cross-border transmission capacities using the physical flow method, the so-called Flow-based (FB) method.
Compared to the Net Transmission Capacity (NTC) method used so far, the FB method takes into account several parameters and optimization conditions, and therefore better reflects the real network conditions.
The flow-based capacity calculation method was implemented in accordance with Commission Regulation 2015/1222 laying down guidelines on capacity allocation and congestion management (the CACM Regulation).
The Core FB MC project region, called the Core Capacity Calculation Region (Core Region), forms the boundaries of the supply zone between the 13 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia).
Slovakia is represented in the Core FB MC project by the transmission system operator, Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (SEPS), and its subsidiary company OKTE, a.s., which operates the short-term electricity market.
OKTE, a.s. operates the day-ahead and intraday electricity market through the information system XMtrade®/ISOT, developed by a team of professional experts from our company SFÉRA, a.s., that is a confirmation of the important role of our solutions in the European energy market.