Our colleagues participated in the SPX conference

The traditional energy conference SPX welcomed at its autumn edition, held on December 5 and 6, 2024 in Podbanské, as usual, a wide range of experts from the energy sector, among which there were representatives of our company.
The conference brought several interesting topics, including a legislative block dedicated to news in the field of EU ETS II, new ENTSO-E network regulations and energy market rules. The panel discussion discussed the perspectives of small modular reactors, which represent innovative solutions in nuclear energy. Another discussion block focused on the challenges of distribution system operators, such as digitisation, new regulatory frameworks or adaptation to changing market conditions.
A special point of the program was "SEPS & OKTE Day", during which representatives of these organisations stirred up discussions about current trends and priorities in the Slovak energy sector. The conclusion of the two-day event was the question of green energy transformation, the impact of the energy system of the Czech Republic on the situation in the Slovak Republic and other topics that were the subject of sharing interesting opinions and discussions.
We consider the involvement of our colleagues in such an important conference to be crucial for innovative IT projects in this dynamic industry.